
Tokens Fiesta! Insight into sales through Sjef's Coin Registration at Defqon

4 minutes reading time

Colorful stage at Defqon Festival 2023

Photo by Defqon.1, 2023


A festival for fans of loud music. Thanks to the partnership with Sjef's, Defqon ensures that visitors have clear insight into the number of tokens they have to pay. This brings a new level of insight into sales and inventory management - dancing towards a cashless revolution. Discover the collaboration between Defqon and Sjef's!


Defqon is a popular and well-known music event that captures the hearts of music lovers of hard genres, such as hardstyle, hardcore and other electronic dance music. The festival is known for its energetic atmosphere, impressive stages and performances by internationally known DJs and artists. Defqon attracts thousands of visitors every year and is often considered a highlight of the harder music scene.

The event usually takes place in the Netherlands, but also has international editions in various locations around the world.

The challenge

Insight into sales and inventory management

Defqon faced a number of challenges in organizing the festival. They needed to ensure insight into sales by terminal to understand which items were most popular with visitors. Good inventory management was also essential to ensure that there was sufficient stock of all items so that no one would be disappointed if something sold out. With large numbers of transactions on the festival grounds, they also had to be vigilant about fraud prevention and detection in order to spot potential abuses in a timely manner.

The solution

Smart selling through good insight

To meet the challenges and keep the festival running smoothly, Defqon adopted several solutions:

  • Inzicht in de verkoop per terminal: Defqon implementeerde een geavanceerd verkoopsysteem dat hen in staat stelde om nauwkeurig bij te houden welke artikelen het meest populair waren bij de bezoekers.
  • Good inventory management: To prevent popular items from selling out, Defqon ensured meticulous inventory control. They kept real-time sales data and ordered new stock in a timely manner to avoid shortages.
  • Fraud prevention and detection: To combat possible fraud on the festival grounds, Defqon implemented strict security measures. They trained their staff to recognize suspicious activity and kept a close eye on all transactions to quickly detect irregularities.
  • Deposit System: The festival introduced an efficient deposit system for certain items. They posted clear signs and instructions to avoid visitor confusion, minimizing errors in calculating the deposit.
  • Overgang naar cashless betalingen: Defqon stimuleerde bezoekers om cashless te betalen door contactloze betaalmethoden te implementeren. Hierdoor verliepen transacties sneller en efficiënter, wat bijdroeg aan een soepele festivalervaring. Via deze weg leert de crew ook met de systemen om te gaan, zodat ze zo langzaam over kunnen gaan op volledig cashless.

Colorful Defqon stage

Photo by Defqon.1, 2023


Smooth sailing at Defqon festival!

Defqon achieved successful results with thoughtful solutions. They gained insight into sales per terminal, allowing them to respond quickly to demand and adjust the assortment. They also prevented shortages thanks to good inventory management. With strict fraud prevention and detection, they ensured a safe festival site.

The deposit system was implemented efficiently, and the beginning of transition to cashless payments went smoothly, with staff gradually getting used to the new systems. All these efforts resulted in a successful festival for all music lovers.

Wondering about the benefits of token registration at your event? Get inspired and get ready for the transition. Discover more!

Dancing with wheelchair in audience at Defqon Festival

Photo by Defqon.1, 2023

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